Do you know that CSS has Named Colours? Yeah, you’re most certainly accustomed to “white” or “black”. However do you know there are 148 named colour key phrases?
A few of them are foolish, some are not unusual, and a few are down proper pointless. Who’s going to suppose, “You realize what colour we’d like right here? Freakin’ blanchedalmond!”
I don’t know why, however I completely love named colours, so I put in combination this selection of issues I assumed had been useful, cool, attention-grabbing, or humorous.
- Arranged Through Workforce
- My favourite colours
- Colour palettes
- Needless details
- Colours that make me hungry
- Colours experiencing identification disaster
- Names for unique dancers
- Names for ninjas
CSS Named Colours Arranged Through Workforce
As a rule, once I’m searching for one thing to do with named colours, I’m searching for a whole checklist of the entire alternatives. I couldn’t in finding one I appreciated, so I made this one.
- brown
- purple
- darkred
- deeppink
- firebrick
- hotpink
- indianred
- lavenderblush
- lightcoral
- lightpink
- maroon
- mistyrose
- palevioletred
- crimson
- pink
- bisque
- coral
- darkorange
- darksalmon
- lightsalmon
- orange
- orangered
- papayawhip
- peachpuff
- salmon
- tomato
- beige
- cornsilk
- darkgoldenrod
- darkkhaki
- gold
- goldenrod
- khaki
- lemonchiffon
- lightgoldenrodyellow
- lightyellow
- palegoldenrod
- yellow
- aquamarine
- chartreuse
- darkgreen
- darkolivegreen
- darkseagreen
- darkslategray
- darkslategrey
- forestgreen
- inexperienced
- greenyellow
- honeydew
- lawngreen
- lightgreen
- lightseagreen
- lime
- limegreen
- mediumaquamarine
- mediumseagreen
- mediumspringgreen
- olive
- olivedrab
- palegreen
- seagreen
- springgreen
- teal
- yellowgreen
- aliceblue
- aqua
- azure
- blue
- cadetblue
- cornflowerblue
- cyan
- darkblue
- darkcyan
- darkturquoise
- deepskyblue
- dodgerblue
- lightblue
- lightcyan
- lightskyblue
- lightsteelblue
- mediumblue
- mediumturquoise
- midnightblue
- military
- paleturquoise
- powderblue
- royalblue
- skyblue
- steelblue
- turquoise
- blueviolet
- darkmagenta
- darkorchid
- darkslateblue
- darkviolet
- fuchsia
- indigo
- lavender
- magenta
- mediumorchid
- mediumpurple
- mediumslateblue
- mediumvioletred
- orchid
- plum
- pink
- rebeccapurple
- slateblue
- thistle
- violet
- antiquewhite
- blanchedalmond
- burlywood
- chocolate
- linen
- moccasin
- navajowhite
- oldlace
- peru
- rosybrown
- saddlebrown
- sandybrown
- sienna
- tan
- wheat
Greys (or Grays)
- black
- darkgray
- darkgrey
- dimgray
- dimgrey
- floralwhite
- gainsboro
- ghostwhite
- grey
- gray
- ivory
- lightgray
- lightgrey
- lightslategray
- lightslategrey
- mintcream
- seashell
- silver
- slategray
- slategrey
- snow
- white
- whitesmoke
My Favourite CSS Named Colours
- aqua
- aquamarine
- black
- blue
- blueviolet
- chartreuse
- coral
- cornflowerblue
- purple
- darkmagenta
- darkorchid
- darkturquoise
- darkviolet
- deeppink
- deepskyblue
- dodgerblue
- fuchsia
- gold
- greenyellow
- hotpink
- indigo
- lavender
- lawngreen
- lightblue
- lightcoral
- lightgreen
- lightpink
- lightsalmon
- lightseagreen
- lightskyblue
- lime
- limegreen
- magenta
- mediumaquamarine
- mediumblue
- mediumorchid
- mediumpurple
- mediumseagreen
- mediumslateblue
- mediumspringgreen
- mediumturquoise
- mediumvioletred
- orangered
- orchid
- palegreen
- palevioletred
- plum
- powderblue
- rebeccapurple
- royalblue
- seagreen
- skyblue
- slateblue
- springgreen
- steelblue
- teal
- tomato
- turquoise
- violet
- whitesmoke
- yellowgreen
Cool Palettes made with CSS Named Colours
Simply having a host of colours to make a choice from isn’t at all times useful. I really like having go-to palettes to make my existence more uncomplicated. I’m a large fan of neons, pastels, and purples, however I’m rarely a skilled clothier, so right here we’re. Please let me know when you’ve got any longer so as to add. 🙂
- tomato
- darkviolet
- deeppink
- deepskyblue
- gold
- yellowgreen
- violet
- lightskyblue
- gold
- lightsalmon
- mediumpurple
- palegreen
- blueviolet
- fuchsia
- pink
- aqua
- chartreuse
- yellow
- darkslateblue
- indigo
- fuchsia
- violet
- lavender
- darkslateblue
- indigo
- deepskyblue
- fuchsia
- deeppink
- darkorange
Needless Information About CSS Named Colours
The colours “cyan” and “aqua” have the similar hex price (#00ffff
). As do “fuchsia” and “magenta” (#ff00ff
“pink” corresponds to #ff0000
. Cool!
“blue” corresponds to #0000ff
. Is smart!
“inexperienced” corresponds to #008800
. WTF!?
For #00ff00
, you’ll need to use “lime”.
(Will have to we modify RGB to RLB?)
It sort of feels they couldn’t make a decision whether or not it must be spelled “grey” or “gray” so that they went with each:
- grey/gray
- darkgray/darkgrey
- slategray/slategrey
- darkslategray/darkslategrey
- dimgray/dimgrey
- lightslategray/lightslategrey
- lightgray/lightgrey
“grey” is darker than “darkgray” (which is not sensible in any respect):
“dimgray” > “grey” > “darkgray” > “lightgray”
There are 4 other “goldenrod” choices however simplest “lightgoldenrodyellow” explicitly contains “yellow”.
Vegetables have probably the most illustration (26) and oranges have the least illustration (11). That is, then again, subjective because of how I narrowed the types right down to 7 other colours. Most of the colours are between two choices and may just cross both manner. And hues will seem other throughout browsers, units, brightness, hell, even the lean of your display screen.
And one ultimate, not-so-pointless reality, the colour “rebeccapurple
” used to be added to the CSS spec in 2014 as a tribute to the lifetime of Rebecca Alison Meyer, daughter of Eric Meyer.
CSS Named Colours That Make Me Hungry
- bisque
- blanchedalmond
- chocolate
- darkolivegreen
- darkorange
- darksalmon
- honeydew
- lightsalmon
- lime
- limegreen
- mintcream
- olive
- olivedrab
- orange
- orangered
- papayawhip
- peachpuff
- plum
- salmon
- tomato
- wheat
CSS Named Colours With an Identification Disaster
“brown” is no doubt a pink.
“darkslategray”/“darkslategrey” are extra like a dismal inexperienced.
“darkslateblue” must had been darkslatepurple.
“blueviolet” is simply pink.
CSS Named Colours For Unique Dancers
- burlywood
- goldenrod
- palegoldenrod
- darkgoldenrod
- hotpink
- lavenderblush
CSS Named Colours For Ninjas
There’s truly just one and it’s so just right: “whitesmoke”
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Initially printed on austingil.com.